In this example we want to connect to an UK endpoint
- Choose a suitable server from this list NordVPN recommendations
- Let's say - (1)We're going to use that value
- From the list we can see that the public key for this server through WireGuard is K53l2wOIHU3262sX5N/5kAvCvt4r55lNui30EbvaDlE= (2)We're going to use that value
- Connect to the VPN through you favourite tool
- Run in bash:
- ifconfig nordlynx - this will give you your IP-address on the VPN-network - (3)We're going to use that value
- sudo wg show nordlynx private-key - this will give you your own private key you are using to connect - (4)We're going to use that value
- sudo wg show nordlynx public-key - this will give you your public key you are using to connect - (5)We can use this value to check, that our key-set is valid
- Theses are the values, you need - disconnect and continue to your Draytek interface to put in these values
- Server IP/Host Name: The hostname we selected from the list in the beginning (1)
- [Interface] Private Key: The private key from (4)
- Public Key: Will get filled automatically - you can check if it matches (5)
- Address: The IP-address from (3)
- [Peer] Public Key: The key from (2)
- Remote Network:
- Helpuful link: